Custom Cropland Budgets!
Do you get tired trying to create budgets for your banker every year? Or your landlords? Or developing a crop plan? Or even trying to figure out what to plant? Or better yet, maybe you have planted the same thing for years upon years, cause that is what your great grandad did, and your grandad. These customizable cropland budgets are just for you. They look at 16 different crops, accounted for both irrigated and dryland grounds. Over a $300 value only for $99
Do you get tired trying to create budgets for your banker every year? Or your landlords? Or developing a crop plan? Or even trying to figure out what to plant? Or better yet, maybe you have planted the same thing for years upon years, cause that is what your great grandad did, and your grandad. These customizable cropland budgets are just for you. They look at 16 different crops, accounted for both irrigated and dryland grounds. Over a $300 value only for $99
Do you get tired trying to create budgets for your banker every year? Or your landlords? Or developing a crop plan? Or even trying to figure out what to plant? Or better yet, maybe you have planted the same thing for years upon years, cause that is what your great grandad did, and your grandad. These customizable cropland budgets are just for you. They look at 16 different crops, accounted for both irrigated and dryland grounds. Over a $300 value only for $99
The budgets are a digital download that are a tool for you to use in your toolbox! Farmers and Ranchers are busy people! We don’t always have time to sit down and develop nice pretty budgets that we can send to the people that keep us in business. Although running budgets and crunching numbers are usually done in our head and on the fly. This is often times the most important step that we do not make time for because it feels overwhelming and exhausting. That is why these budgets exist! For you to receive a download to your email, input your data, and just like that you have a tool that helps you stay in business year in and year out because you are evaluating what matters most!